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Ernest Long


Stanley Voke (1946-1954)


Mr and Mrs Voke came to Bethesda November 1946.


Scroggie sent a letter to the church:

"You have had your testing through those sad years but have maintained the testimony and now emerge triumphant. In Mr Voke you will find a man who will carry the highest interests of the church in his heart, and in his devoted wife you will find a gracious Christian lady...ten of the happiest years of my life I spent at Bethesda".


Sidlow Baxter wrote:

"I believe you and Mr Voke have been guided to each other. You and he are one in evangelical convictions...Bethesda is ripe for revival. You have come through severe testings, but I am persuaded that bravely borne trials are to be crowded with God-given triumphs".


When Mr Voke took the pastorate the church stood at 518 membership.  Under his leadership the church entered a time when a spirit of prayer grew with indiviudals and groups spending hours in intercession. One night 120 people gathered together to pray through the night.


In 1954 Mr Voke announced, with sadness, that he would be returning to South England to pastor in Torquay. 

Bethesda Free Church • Tatham Street • Sunderland • SR1 2QB

0191 567 9152 │ 0771 835 8272

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