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Below is a list of people from different cultures, countries, religions and backgrounds. We all have one thing in common; we have trusted in Jesus Christ and have experienced His gift of salvation. We are now brothers and sisters in Christ and we are thankful that you have taken the time to read about how we each became Christians.


I would like to share with you my story of how I came to know the Lord Jesus, how I ended up running away from God, and how God restored a runaway to fellowship with Him and other Christians. So here it goes...

I was brought up in a religious Catholic family; we weren’t Christians even though we thought we were. No one in the family had the correct concept of salvation – we all thought that good works was how to get to heaven instead of trusting in Christ. For us, it was about works and not about here to continue reading.



I came to trust Jesus Christ as my own personal Lord and Saviour in 2010 after having attended the youth work at Bethesda Free Church for around 1 year. The gospel was presented clearly and I was convicted of sin, realising I had to repent and put my faith in Jesus Christ. I committed myself wholly to Christ in 2012 when I came to understand that He is worthy to be in control of every part of my life and that my Christian experience is an ongoing journey of sanctification and growth.





I grew up in Northern Ireland, to practising Christian parents, who sent me to Sunday school every week. My father, whose occupation is church minister, and my mother both brought me up to understand the death of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.


I made commitments early in my life to the Christian faith and my relationship with God began, and I was later baptised at age 14. In my teens, however, and upon moving to England, I began to explore for myself my faith and my relationship with here to continue reading.



Hello, my name is Sarah and this is my story. I was born in Sunderland to Malaysian parents who took me to church every week and so I learned about Jesus from an early age. As a child, I knew many famous Bible stories and saw church a bit like school – a place I could learn and gain knowledge.


As I grew up, I knew more and more about Jesus but I didn’t yet know Jesus. When I was 14, I attended an event for young people with friends from church. It was there that I considered for the very first time what Christianity actually meant to here to continue reading.







Bethesda Free Church • Tatham Street • Sunderland • SR1 2QB

0191 567 9152 │ 0771 835 8272

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