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1.    The Divine Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, their sufficiency and supreme authority in matters of faith and practice, and the right and duty of private judgment in their interpretation. [Click here for more information]


2.    The Unity of the Godhead and the Divine co-equality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit therein.


3.    The Incarnation of the Son of God, His work of atonement and satisfaction to God in substitution for sinners, by His death on the Cross, His resurrec­tion, ascension, and His mediatorial intercession for His people.


4.    The justification of the sinner solely by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the responsibility of all to believe and obey the Gospel.


5.    The total depravity of Man’s nature in conse­quence of the Fall, and the Sovereignty of God in the election, calling, and final perseverance of His people.


6.    The work of the Holy Spirit in conversion and sanctification, in the ministry and in worship.


7.    The Pre-millennial Advent, the Reign and Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the Body, the everlasting blessedness of the Right­eous, and the everlasting punishment of the Wicked.


8.    The Divine institution, obligation and per­petuity of the ordinances of Believers’ Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Bethesda Free Church • Tatham Street • Sunderland • SR1 2QB

0191 567 9152 │ 0771 835 8272

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SUN Prayer Meeting 10am â”‚SUN Communion 10.30am

SUN Family Service 11am â”‚SUN Evening 6.30pm

 â”‚ TUE Bible Study 7.30pm

FRI JR Youth 5.30pm â”‚ FRI SR Youth 7.30pm

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